Advancing the mathematical sciences
For discovery, innovation and the economy

Mathematics is a powerful way to make sense of the world, fundamental concepts and - in some cases - how we feel"
Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE
Computer scientist, mathematician & social entrepreneur

Mathematics offers a language to describe the most complex phenomena, often revealing unexpected insights"
Jens Marklof
President, London Mathematical Society

From governing the patterns of our universe to boosting daily numeracy, maths is a unifying force"
Bobby Seagull
Maths Communicator
ABOUT cams
The Campaign for Mathematical Sciences (CaMS) exists to advance the mathematical sciences for discovery, innovation and the economy. We do this by supporting engagement and providing specialist advice in maths policy.
The campaign comprises mathematicians of all disciplines, alongside leaders from education, industry and politics. Together, we demonstrate the role that the mathematical sciences play in solving problems and creating opportunities, and the value that they bring to the UK.
CaMS was founded in 2021 as Protect Pure Maths, in response to the University of Leicester closing its pure maths department. Building on our successes, we have rebranded as the Campaign for Mathematical Sciences and will continue to take the campaign forward over the next parliament.
CaMS represents the whole mathematical sciences community. The campaign is run by the London Mathematical Society and our membership includes representation from all the UK’s mathematical societies, as well as the new Academy for the Mathematical Sciences.
Our mission is to advance the mathematical sciences for discovery, innovation and the economy. We do this by supporting engagement and providing specialist advice in maths policy.
Following the election of the new government, we have launched a new Plan for Maths, which sets out our campaigns and priorities for the initial stages of the new parliament. Overall, CaMS has two main objectives:
mission and objectives
To protect, improve and expand the mathematical sciences within UK universities, including teaching, research and knowledge exchange.
To ensure that funding for mathematical sciences research reflects the value they bring to the UK economy and wider society.
Get Involved
Please email cams@connectpa.co.uk if you want to get involved in the campaign or if we can help with your work. You also can sign up for the CaMS newsletter using the form on this page.
We are always looking for help and suggestions to advance the mathematical sciences, including from new campaign supporters and industry partners.
We are always happy to help by sharing data and insights about the mathematical sciences, and with media queries and speaking opportunities, and policy briefings and visits.