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Christian Wakeford MP: The number of pupils doing A-Level maths is fantastic – but higher education is not doing enough to support them

Christian Wakeford MP has written in Conservative Home about the need to fund and support all branches of mathematics at the Higher Education level to ensure that students taking mathematics at A Level have the opportunity to study maths further, with all the benefits that brings to the wider economy.

“We can lead the world in maths too if we recognise the value of maths in all its forms and ensure maths departments remain not just viable but healthy.

Students acing A-Level maths today shouldn’t have to travel far from home if they don’t want to. There’s a danger that if some institutions make injudicious cuts then pure maths will become the preserve of certain universities while others will specialise in applied mathematics. Better to have maths departments where all strands of the subject can interact, infuse and enthuse each other spread throughout the country.

This government knows the value of maths. We’ve announced £300 million in additional funding for the subject. The details around that commitment should be forthcoming in the autumn. I hope it will be used to fund all branches of mathematics and that it will be provided in a sustainable way, to pay for students to complete courses over a number of years. That is the way to maintain our mathematical pipeline of excellence.”

Read the full article on Conservative Home.

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